消除種族主義是我們工作的一部分,這是我們工作的一部分。 YWCA查爾斯頓可以追溯到1940年代(即民權運動之前的幾十年),在其董事會上任命了一名有色人種,並發布了一項正式宣言,譴責種族隔離。幾十年來,我們的工作採取了多種形式,包括培訓,研究和提高認識活動。幾年來,我們在卡納瓦哈縣法院工作了一個種族正義倡導者,以確保家庭暴力的受害者在法律上得到平等的待遇和保護。 2017年,YWCA查爾斯頓(Charleston)與美國青年會(YWCA)的``反對種族主義''運動共同發起了首屆``種族主義競賽''。在我們的種族正義委員會的指導下,該委員會由各種信仰,種族,種族,年齡,社會經濟地位和專業組成,由查爾斯頓基督教女青年會與眾多合作夥伴和社會正義組織合作,以解決種族主義破壞種族主義的方式。我們的家庭和社區。
聯繫Deedra Keys-Switzer,程序主管
Exploring Implicit Bias in the Workplace Session
Exploring Implicit Bias in the Workplace will aid you in taking the first step in building an inclusive work culture. This discussion starts with understanding Implicit Bias and introduces actionable ways to become an ally.
Unpacking Hidden Prejudice Session
This 2-hour workshop will give you a better understanding of race-related concepts in hopes of breaking down racial bias barriers. Participants will be able to define common vocabulary that promotes dialogue around equity and inclusion, develop an awareness of the levels of racism, identify historic and current examples of the levels of racism, understand how the past impacts the present and why knowledge of the past can change the future, and identify ways to become an ally personally and professionally.
Meaningful Allyship Session
Meaningful Allyship helps participants recognize what specific actions they can take to show up as allies. Through individual explorations and group discussions, participants develop a shared understanding of allyship and prepare to take action in ways that center impact.
Understanding Privilege Session
In this session, participants will explore the concept of privilege, how it shapes societal cultures that are oppressive to people with marginalized identities, and develop an awareness of the privileges & and discriminations of different social groups & and identities - all to improve personal growth.
Acting with Intent Session
With the use of moving stories from the film: Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity, we lead into group discussion and open dialogue about personal encounters and discuss possible ways we could have handled situations differently or hoped for different outcomes.
Conversation Cafe
Informal conversations that bring individuals together to engage in casual discussions about themselves, their communities, or current social issues in an informal setting.
Our goal is to:
1) Affirm the inherent value of all people. Cultivate a culture of belonging that can advance racial equity and inclusion.
2) Deepen an understanding of differences and needs related to how people identify.
3) Restore individuals to wholeness by helping people share their stories.
4) Support relationships that build, trust, belonging, and authenticity.
Center for Racial Equity & Inclusion
The YWCA Center for Racial Equity & Inclusion strives to be a diverse, inclusive, and equitable place where people of all identities and backgrounds experience a sense of belonging. It will house the growing YWCA Charleston Racial Equity & Inclusion program, which aims to increase cultural education and empathy and empower leaders with the tools to advance positive social change across Kanawha, Boone and Clay counties. All YWCA Charleston programs, except Racial Equity and Inclusion, have their own brick-and-mortar establishment.The YWCA Charleston Center for Racial Equity and Inclusion will be the first of its kind in the City of Charleston, Kanawha County, and possibly the State of West Virginia.
Professional Development and
Welcoming Communities
Programming for
Adults and Children
The YWCA Charleston’s Center for Racial Equity and Inclusion will provide programming that creates safe and brave spaces where truth and storytelling, uncomfortable conversations, and healing can happen for all people, in support of racial equity and inclusion initiatives. Specific initiatives will raise awareness and develop actions via speakers, seminars, and anti-racist training on topics that introduce equitable and inclusive strategies for corporations, organizations, educational, political, and religious institutions at all levels for people at all levels.
The YWCA Charleston’s Center for Racial Equity & Inclusion will provide support structures to create an equitable sense of belonging for all children in the community. Children’s education will be supported through fun and engaging activities that may include: hands-on art activities, read-aloud days, crafts, STEAM events, and more. Community members will have full access to our Center's library, where there will be a wide range of books for adults and children that meet individuals where they are and help support self-education and promote healthy conversations around anti-racist topics.
To fully engage with the community, the YWCA Charleston’s Center for Racial Equity & Inclusion will collaborate with individuals and community partners that include but are not limited to, other anti-racist partners and initiatives, minority women business owners, and other local entities to meet all community members’ culturally-relevant needs provide resources and support, share information, and foster advocacy, regardless of race or level of anti-racist knowledge, towards achieving YWCA Charleston’s mission of “eliminating racism.”
Read Aloud Series
The YWCA Racial Equity and Inclusion programming has been made possible in part by a grant from UniCare Health Plan of West Virginia, Inc.